Ayaksha Wellness

Simple and Quality care, When You Need it.

Better for organizations for maximum productivity. Better for families to handle the birth and upbringing of the child.

Daycare centre & Lactation Support

Nowadays, it’s a usual sight that both the parents work during the day and spend less quality time with their children.

To bridge the gap between the work-life balance, we have incorporated daycare learning and lactation centers for all the working parents with kids.

Better for the businesses and families, we created a secure and educational environment for the child to learn, nurture and grow at a younger age.

Our on-site childcare/daycare has lots of benefits for the organizations as well as for parents. While focussing on productivity, parents can visit their children during work hours and spend some time with them. With full-time experts and babysitters at the daycare centers, a child’s well-being and development are taken utmost priority. For organizations, business-supported daycare is a way of investing in community welfare. Also, absenteeism of the employees due to child sickness, maternal health after birth, and new-born health services are well-protected in the care of experts just a few feet away.

We have proactively initiated a lactation support program in many organizations to recognize the needs of nursing parents and the myriad health benefits associated with expressing milk to the new-borns. It includes providing a breastfeeding employee time and a location where she can privately, comfortably, and safely express milk during the workday. Program components include teaching employees about breastfeeding and offering professional lactation management services and support.

With the break times and spacious accommodations, lactation support in the workplace benefits both employees and employers. For example, employers benefit through lower health care costs and lower absenteeism from mothers to stay home with sick children as often. Additionally, employers benefit through the retention of valuable, trained employees and improved public relations. Mothers enjoy health benefits and greater peace of mind that they can still provide the ideal nutrition for their infants at all times.

Medical personnel manning & mobile medical unit

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Emergency Medical Services Management

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Personalised Health Check-ups

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Durable Medical Equipment

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Wellness Program & Nutrition Counselling

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Pandemic Management

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E- Clinics & Tele Medicine Facilty

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Looking after all your employees’ health is a mammoth task. Let us do it for you, because workplace wellness is not an option, it is a necessity.