Tailor made healthcare plans for one -to-one care

For optimum wellness of employees, we prioritize health with personalized healthcare packages

Personalised Health Check-ups

It is more important than ever in this competitive work environment for the employees to prioritize health in every possible way.

For overall well-being, we have created a personalized healthcare package for every individual in the organization.

From educating employees on injury prevention to treating their health problems like diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular concerns, our specialized doctors work hand-in-hand with every employee for optimum wellness.

Personalized check-ups provide opportunities to understand a patient’s history with any severe condition and detect early disorders to protect and keep the employees safer and healthier at all times. Our state-of-the-art medical units and diagnostic hubs are teamed up with industry-specific Doctors, specialized medical practitioners, experienced physiotherapists, and qualified surgeons to provide medical assistance in specific areas. Routine check-ups include immunization, screenings, and developing health reports that identify existing medical conditions, including lifestyle and contagious diseases which could get adversely affected by occupational exposure.

Our Doctors and Physicians work together towards the welfare of the employees after every routine inspection. Personal health care service functions towards the satisfaction of the employees with different plans that include:

MFG Unit: MFG Medical unit consists of complete blood count and blood group recognitions, devising a plan for cardiovascular health and effective Pulmonary Function Tests to understand the functioning of internal organs.

Diagnostic Tests: The diagnostic tests support the physicians to comprehend the overall lifestyle of the employee. It includes spirometry, Urine Routine test, Blood Grouping and Rh-type, Creatinine Blood Test, Audiology Sensitivity Test (Physical), and Medical Examination Report.

Antigen Tests (AHBs): From sonography, abdomen & pelvis screenings, audiometry to general physical check-ups (MER), our specialized Doctors provide consultation to keep the employee’s health in check.

Medical personnel manning & mobile medical unit

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Emergency Medical Services Management

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Durable Medical Equipment

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Wellness Program & Nutrition Counselling

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Pandemic Management

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Daycare centre & Lactation support

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E- Clinics & Tele Medicine Facilty

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Looking after all your employees’ health is a mammoth task. Let us do it for you, because workplace wellness is not an option, it is a necessity.